Without Purpose
Most projects and businesses need a strong why to be successful, but when change or disaster hits, many are left without purpose. This can feel like your why has actually been stolen! You may wonder if you can you get it back again. If a company is left without purpose, reinventing and restarting becomes a huge challenge and even impossible. This is because there is no clear direction. And I relate this to circling on a roundabout that you can’t exit.
Many small businesses and entrepreneurs spend time at the beginning of a new year evaluating goals and plans for the year. One of the central core elements of that plan should be focus on your why and purpose. Simon Sinek in Start With Why talks about the Golden Circle®. Your why is central to that circle and your how and what are directly influenced by it. Without a strong core purpose, plans and sense of direction can easily be hijacked. A life with purpose experiences these three things: accomplishment, momentum and time.

Why, How and What
Many people start from the how and what because they love projects. I have been guilty of doing that as well. I’ve started on a recording project, or even a book without a strong enough why. I may have a good one, but today, it takes a great one. Also see article on Intentional Living
After the previous year we experienced with shutdowns, doing all things virtual and a huge political upheaval, it can feel like your why or purpose has been stolen. Many have had to revise or even discover a new why. Here are three ways to reverse a life without purpose to a life with purpose.
Principle One: Lost without Purpose vs. Accomplishment with Purpose
Many people start from the how and what because they love projects. I have been guilty of doing that as well. I’ve started on a recording project, or even a book without a strong enough why. I may have a good one, but today, it takes a great one. Also see article on Intentional Living
After the previous year we experienced with shutdowns, doing all things virtual and a huge political upheaval, it can feel like your why or purpose has been stolen. Many have had to revise or even discover a new why. Here are three ways to reverse a life without purpose to a life with purpose.
Principle Two: Lack of Momentum without Purpose vs. Power with Purpose
Discouragement and depression are real and more prevalent than ever in our current world. Sequestration and isolation has magnified this statistic. When you experience a loss or theft, the feelings of despair escalate. Here, it’s easy to sink into the attitude of victimhood. Helen Reddy, songwriter, sang the song You and Me Against the World. With the line, when one of us is gone, and one of us is left to carry on, now taking a greater significance with a worldwide pandemic, you may wonder how you can carry on.
After a loss, whether a spouse, a business or even finances, defining a very strong why to carry on is absolutely necessary not only for success, but for survival. There were businesses that grew like telehealth, the alternative to non-essential doctor’s appointments, and they will continue to be a standard practice. Online meetings exploded with many embracing using technical tools they would never have considered previously. Upgrading computers, lighting and video technology became standard. I feel most meetings will forever be hybrid, even though most of us look forward to a warm hug with in-person meetings! If you have experienced a great loss, find a way to redefine your purpose that will work with the current changes. Don’t succumb to victimhood! (See Victim video!) This principle is very powerful and will create momentum in your life & business.
Principle Three: Loss of Time without Purpose vs. Freedom with Purpose
Time is one of your most valuable assets. No one has over twenty-four hours in each day and all of us need to sleep, eat and move physically. Also, no one knows how many years they have on this earth to live, enjoy relationships and to work. As one who likes to get a lot done, I hate to waste time but find the probability of excess waste increases when I don’t plan effectively. (See Dream a Little Dream)
The value of a defined purpose has become more and more apparent after I lost both parents and faced changes in my business. My priorities have become even more focused more on increasing my platform of influence to encourage others to use their talents and resources during their halftime years. (officially after the age of 40!) Keeping that purpose at the center of my focus actually frees me up to explore different ways of innovative communication and to expand my remote work, traveling more with my husband at this point in my life.
It’s so easy to get sidetracked with projects, meetings and emergencies. Even Jesus in the New Testament kept his focus on teaching (Mark 1:38) when he was pulled in every which way to heal the sick. If he had to keep focused, we definitely do as well! A focused, clear purpose is extremely powerful and freeing.
Align Your Core Purpose
By keeping your main purpose central to what you do, whether in business or life, you actually gain time, energy and success by not pursuing areas that won’t align with your core purpose. There will always be offshoots and distractions. That’s just a fact of life. But the ability to come back to the center is powerful, freeing and will bring true accomplishment.
For years, I have encouraged others to decide what NOT to do. It’s as important as what TO do. This is especially relevant relating to keeping your purpose top-of-mind. As you plan your quarter, then months, weeks, days and even hours, take out the magnifying glass of purpose and make sure you are on track with what you truly want to accomplish. I guarantee it will bring not only success, but extreme satisfaction. I’m rooting for you!
Deciding what NOT to do is as important as what TO do...
deborah johnson
Thought Leader, Keynote Speaker, Author
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