Power to Make a Change
Power to change? Yes, I knew I needed to make a change some years ago, but I wasn’t expecting the pit in my stomach at 3:30A.M! I had just put money down for a PR person and sent my deposit in to rent the venue for my self-hosted Women at Halftime Summit Event.
I was definitely awake, so I got up and wrote in my journal. Will any of the radio and T.V. promotion do any good? And, Will anyone sign up for my weekend event? I left for my 5:30A.M. cycle class and realized I had experienced those feelings before. In fact, multiple times.
The World is a Stage
One of those times was when I put down a deposit on two L.A. theatres to produce World Premieres of my original musicals. This was before even holding auditions and I was scrambling to create the sides for the actors. I wondered: Will I be able to book in the right actors and the right directors to create a draw? Will anyone come to see a musical that I wrote?
They did come. And I did book in great actors, directors, stage designers and costumers to boot. After I got home from my cycle class, I wrote all those thoughts down in my journal. Then I remembered another time I felt that same pit in my stomach.
Showcase Rooms
I was calling hotels across the country to pay for meeting space I had not seen and rent grand pianos I had not played for showcases I had not fully planned. As I gave out my credit card number, multiple times, I wondered, Will I be able to fill these rooms with the right artists to help them get booked? And at the same time, Will I be able to pay off the rooms?
I did book the rooms and also paid them off in full. In fact, I was able to fill those rooms for four different large regional musical conferences across the country--four years in a row. I not only successfully provided a place for the artists to get booked, but also booked my own shows in regional theatres across the country. One other note: I did lose five pounds in the process, each year. I took out my journal and continued writing those thoughts.
I recently made changes in my business. It was actually an expansion I had implemented in previous years to include speaking and writing books. None of that discounted my work as a musician, but it took broadening my mindset. Change is not easy. In fact it can be disruptive, keep you up at night and cause one to lose a few pounds in the process. (Which is not always a bad thing!)
Most of the time, it requires a higher power bigger than yourself to make a solid change. There are little demons that work hard to discourage you with negativity and negative self-talk. At that point, it’s easy to fall into the head trash of becoming a victim, frozen in fear and anxiety. (See How to Become a Victim in Six Easy Steps Video!)
Find a Source
Find a source that will help you. As I shared in the video with my husband Greg above, find a space and create moments when you can do a data dump. That offloading of your feelings can take place with a journal or on walks in areas where you experience the magnitude of creation. It can also take place with prayer, as it puts much of life in perspective.
The reason I created Hero Mountain™ and Women at Halftime™ was to help others make change successfully. The intention of both the upcoming online summit and the weekend event is to empower women who are in halftime who want to grow their business, brand and/or personal development. It’s a great time of life with great opportunity for pursuing dreams and for giving back. I intend to keep helping others make changes needed to succeed. No need to hide behind a mask of professionalism: I’ll be honest--I’m writing all this down in my journal!
Personal Message
I'm excited to announce some upcoming video interviews with Women at Halftime: Linda Hollander, Hayley Foster, Silva Katchigian, Janet Stearns and others! More announcements about this free online summit soon!
I have officially booked the venue for the June 1-2 Hero Mountain™ Summit for Women at Halftime in Pasadena! The song Is That All There Is? was made famous by Peggy Lee in 1969. It begs the question that when life is all said and done, you might as well keep dancing and drinking because so much of life and love is not what it’s cracked up to be. Yes, when all is said and done, life is but a vapor, butyou can choose to live your second half purposefully, passionately and with great promise! I intend to help you do that!
Hero Mountain for Women at Halftime- June 1-2
There is more opportunity than ever for women at halftime aswomen are living longer, have greater skills, purpose and freedom! Join the halftime community! Hero Mountain™ Summit takes place twice a year in a small-group setting to work on your personal Hero Mountain and cables of success. Apply now-don't miss this opportunity!
Part of Hero Mountain™ is the upcoming Online Summit!
•Are you going through the motions day after day, trying to focus on making progress?
•Do you wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety, wondering if you'll ever feel normal again?
•Do you feel lost, uninspired or just confused about your next life move?
•Are you hiding behind a mask of self-doubt and confusion?
•Would you love some guidance from other women who have felt the same way you have felt? That help is coming soon!
DEBORAH JOHNSON: Provides tools for Women at Halftime who want to gain momentum, focus and success. Speaking, Concerts, In-Depth Workshops, National Media Commentator. Most recent book Bad Code: Overcoming Bad Mental Code That Sabotages Your Life! You can reach Deborah the following ways:Twitter:@DebJohnsonWorks • YouTube ; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deborah.johnson; Websites: https://GoalsForYourLife.com; https://DJWorksMusic.com