September 25

Networking-For Introverts and Extraverts!

Networking-For Introverts and Extraverts!

By Deborah Johnson

September 25, 2017

Goals, healthy habits, mindsets, persistence, personal development, positive self talk

Networking-For Introverts and Extraverts!

Some people are petrified of networking. They may be an introvert or maybe have had a previous bad experience at a network event. Some just feel like it’s a waste of time and energy. There are only so many people you can keep in your close circle of contacts and they feel time is best used in other areas. I can totally understand that! (watch short video on Introverts below!)

It also takes work to network. It seems as if the more events you attend, the more mailing lists you get on with announcements and promotional products. Picking and choosing events can get overwhelming. Many creative types are introverts, like myself. I’m outgoing when I attend events and when I’m in front of most any audience, but I’m actually one of those computer nerds who can sit for hours behind a screen and work, all by myself!

What will help Introverts

1.FOCUS ON THE OTHER PERSON. Most people like to talk about themselves so much that if you ask them a couple questions, you may not have to say a thing! 
2.GET A NETWORK BUDDY FOR NETWORKING EVENTS. Get a network buddy-a friend to go with. They may even suggest activities and that will help you! 
3.PUT AN EVENT ON YOUR CALENDAR OR SAVE THE LINK TO AN EVITE. I’ve actually gone to events because I’ve accidentally pushed the going button on a Facebook Invite and had a great time!

Are You an Extravert?

Some people are great at networking. They meet and greet people easily, then effortlessly carry on conversations. However for you extraverts, the temptation is to dominate a conversation with excessive information about yourself, your accomplishments, your amazing family and even the last bucket-list trip you took to the ice hotel in Antarctica. (watch short video on Extraverts below!)

Meanwhile, your listener(s) have their own thoughts. They’re wondering why they haven’t been able to take amazing trips like you. But more importantly, their mind is racing with creative ideas of how to get out of the conversation with you. Compared to all your accomplishments, they feel like the earthworm looking to dig a way through hard dirt.

It is a gift to be an extravert. However, it can sometimes come back to bite you. Before spouting off all your accomplishments and awards, focus on the other person and be genuinely interested!

What will help Extraverts

1. FOCUS ON THE OTHER PERSON FIRST. Genuinely focus on the other person. This means to be actually interested in what they’re doing! 
2. FIND GROUP(S) THAT ARE A GOOD FIT FOR YOU. If you feel the people you are meeting at networking events are not a fit for you, (maybe TOO many introverts!), research other groups that will be a fit. There are groups for CEOs, for Small Businesses, for Entrepreneurs and many others in varied gatherings all over the world. 
3. DEVELOP ONLINE NETWORKING. Nothing totally takes the place of face to face contact, but groups on LinkedIn and other online platforms may hold other viable sources for you. Evaluate your approach to networking and if you feel you’re too self-focused, craft questions you can use to put the focus on the other person first.

Why I Revised my Schedule

Gods MusicOne of the reasons I revised my schedule this fall is a new show I’m preparing for and writing (booked by one of my great agents!) called God’s Music. As I like to perform at a certain level, I can’t half-do a job! On Oct. 20 in Byron Center, MI, I will share many inspirational, yet sometimes tragic stories of some great hymns of the faith. Also included is lots of music, video and a local choir! Other favorites David and I will perform are from Amy Grant, Keith Green, Don Francisco to multiple Grammy Award winner, André Crouch. I have definitely revisited my Gospel piano licks! Both David and I (mother-son team) will do our share of solos and duets.

Slow Pitch SuperstarSLOW PITCH SUPERSTAR single up for a 2017 GRAMMY. Vocals by David Johnson, National MVP slow-pitch champion. I felt I needed to release this song while he was still playing! After he played last week at ESPN field in Florida and Oklahoma next week, I will grab him to rehearse GOD’S MUSIC for Oct. 20-he’ll conduct the choir and sing!

DEBORAH JOHNSON: Providing tools and inspiration to gain momentum and get unstuck in life. Speaking, Concerts, In-Depth Workshops. Most recent book Bad Code: Overcoming Bad Mental Code That Sabotages Your Life! You can reach Deborah the following ways:Twitter:@DJWorksMusic • YouTube ; Facebook:; Websites:;

Deborah Johnson

About the author

Deborah Johnson, M.A. has not only written multiple books and albums, but hundreds of songs, three full-length musicals and is the producer of the popular podcast, Women at Halftime. She was past president of the National Speakers Association, Los Angeles and has written & produced multiple online courses. She enjoys being outside and traveling with her husband and also loves spending time with her children and grandchildren.

Up for multiple GRAMMY Awards and spending over 20 years in the entertainment industry, she's built multiple self-driven businesses and is an expert on how to constantly reinvent yourself in a gig-economy. Deborah speaks and performs for both live and virtual events.

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