Producing Halftime Success Summit
Silva Katchiguian
A few hours after leaving her home in Lebanon, SILVA KATCHIGUIAN and her brother
were caught in the midst of a barrage of gunfire. Miraculously, the gunman knew her uncle,
a pediatrician, who saved his son’s life, thus sparing their lives. Silva eventually made her way
to Southern California and has continued to document and write amazing stories.
As current Past President of the Armenian International Women’s Association,
she has helped many other women discover their own stories, encouraging them to be all they can be.
Besides her volunteer activities, Silva is a certified voice over artist for commercial and
narrative readings.
Silva's Key Takeaways
Deborah's Comments
Silva's principle of TRUST may not be amplified for you at gunpoint, but in a unique way to you.
Look in the mirror every day to realize what you've accomplished, then RISE ABOVE the negative self-talk!
• Deborah Johnson, M.A. • Founder Producing Halftime Success Summit
Coming Soon-the Book!
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