Hero Mountain summit

Hero Mountain Summit-Contact

We discuss YOUR goals and what you need in your leadership.

Attract and keep your employees! Good management can make ALL the difference.

Providing continuing education for your team is more important than ever but they want flexibility and choices.

With the language for CE & PDC credits, Hero Mountain Summit for small businesses and companies is a way you can fulfill that need virtually! We give your team leader(s) the guidance & provide everything. Our expertise? 

We help you THINK LIKE AN ENTREPRENEUR! And we make it FUN! 

5-Month or 6-Session downloads?

Can be formatted monthly, bi-monthly or even weekly. 

CE units we have formatted for you. Every unit has takeaways, suggested reading and application downloads.

MINDSETS: Leadership, Emotional Intelligence • hour-long webinar formatted for 1 CE unit

  • Identify at least one attitude of obstruction, or Head Trash, as an Individual and Leader
  • Distinguish one to two personal solutions to apply personally and professionally, gaining a strong foothold for self and team leadership.
  • Define and decide to implement at least one personal or professional mindset adjustment to overcome a potential obstacle.
  • COMPETENCY: Talent Management, Business Acumen • hour-long webinar formatted for 1 CE unit

  • Identify and define personal competencies using common denominator technique.
  • Identify and define competencies of those in your close circle of contacts.
  • Connect competencies with personal and professional mission statement.
  • SKILLS: Talent Management, Strategic Business Management, Business Acumen, Critical Evaluation • hour-long webinar formatted for 1 CE unit

  • Tools to grow Personal and Professional Competency Bank
  • Importance of Clarity and Implementation.
  • Define Negative self-talk in building skills.
  • Change the language of Negative to Positive self-talk.
  • HABITS: Leadership, Strategic Business Management, Consultation • hour-long webinar formatted for 1 CE unit

  • Identify personal and professional ambition-inexpensive or necessary in your life and in those you are working with.
  • Technical approaches to change.
  • Adaptive approaches to change.
  • Distinguish one to two solid steps of action for your personal and professional habits for lasting change
  • RELATIONSHIPS: Diversity, Talent Management, Relationship Management  • hour-long webinar formatted for 1 CE unit

  • Define your main relationships-personal and professional
  • Basic personalities of those in your close circle
  • Personality languages (love languages)
  • Communication skills to implement across personality types.
  • PURPOSE: Business Acumen, Leadership  • hour-long webinar formatted for 1 CE unit

  • Determine the Why of your Personal and Professional Purpose
  • Evaluate your Personal and Professional Mission
  • Re-define or define your Personal and Professional Mission Statement for clarity, simplicity and directness.
  • Begin any time-we coordinate with your schedule

    Mark Malbon


    Deborah Johnson is truly amazing. She has a relentless ethic, warm demeanor, contagious enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards everything she touches. She has a unique combination of technical chops and people skills - equally adept at performing onstage or diving into technical IT details.

    Mark Malbon Retired "Big Four" Audit Partner and CFO

    Hero Mountain Summit is a

    6-Session Program - ALL virtual

    You’ll get resources, tech help, guidance, a sounding board, access to my system “behind the scenes”

    Weekly check-ins will come from you as the team leader & you will receive a short personalized video from me, a monthly webinar connected to Hero Mountain®, handouts with goal setting application to move your team forward.

    You will define appropriate consequences for those who don't achieve their weekly goals & administer rewards when they do! Those will all be determined by team leaders.

    simple pricing

    Contact us now & you will receive a questionnaire & we'll set up brief interview. We do this to make sure we're a good fit. 

    We accept a limited number of organizations, so don't put this off! The prices listed below are for us working with your leadership.

    Webinars are recorded. For live webinars with time for Q&A with your team, contact us for separate pricing. 


    Team leader always FREE!  This is the TOTAL COST per person!




    • Team Leader Guidance for every month with ideas for follow-up and accountability for your team.
    • Access to webinars & handouts for team. (Each team member will have their own account accessed by their email for the 5 months)
    • Monthly Reading/Listening Recommendation for your team to coordinate with webinars.
    • Weekly video message for team leaders from us.
    • Monthly video message for team from us.

    Team leader always FREE! This is the TOTAL COST per person!





    • Team Leader Guidance for every month with ideas for follow-up and accountability for your team.
    • Access to webinars & handouts for team. (Each team member will have their own account accessed by their email for the 5 months)
    • Monthly Reading/Listening Recommendation for your team to coordinate with webinars.
    • Weekly video message for team leaders from us.
    • Monthly video message for team from us.

    From me to you...

    I want to see you succeed! My goal is not only to give you content, but confidence, backed by research and tools that are necessary to give you the best possible chance for unbelievable success and fulfillment! 


    Deborah Johnson, M.A.

    International award-winning music artist, author and speaker, helps others get unstuck with mindsets to reinvent their life and reach expansive goals. Up for multiple GRAMMY Awards and spending over 20 years in the entertainment industry, she's an expert on how to constantly reinvent yourself in a gig-economy. Deborah is the author of  4 books over 2 dozen albums, 3 musicals and  is also the recipient of the 2018 Women's Economic Forum Exceptional Women of Excellence Award and speaks and performs in both live and virtual events. She is also Past President of the L.A. National Speaker's Association.

    ©Deborah Johnson • All Rights Reserved