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Afraid you're no longer relevant and can't keep up with tech? Spend time with these Core Common Denominators to craft a future you're excited about!
The CORE COMMON Denominator is taken straight from our Women at Halftime Book!
As a woman at halftime, with young adult children, aging parents, a suddenly 'empty nest', volunteer commitments, and a new career I'm trying to get off the ground -- this book could not have come at a better time! Deborah Johnson provides workbook-type exercises in an easily readable and relatable format. She tells stories using, among others, her own life experiences as an example. Although she is a profoundly accomplished musician, producer, writer, and speaker her tone is humble and yet strongly credible. I highly recommend this book for any woman facing the complexities of life at Halftime. ...Elisa Hays
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© 2025 Deborah Johnson