February 14, 2025
Welcome to the Women at Halftime Podcast
Resources & ideas for those at mid-career or the halftime of life to maximize skills, resources and talent to pursue their goals and dreams to make their second half even better than their first.
A new episode comes out every Tuesday with at least one bonus episode every month released on a Friday! Both Greg & Deb are on together once a month--a treat!
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Mark Malbon
Retired "Big Four" Audit Partner and CFO
Deborah is equally adept at performing onstage or diving into technical IT details. A recent podcast with her talented husband Greg about cryptocurrency is another example of her wide-ranging skillset.

Apple Podcast Review
"A Must Listen!" As a brand new listener, Deborah provides a fresh perspective on goal setting for any business owner!

Apple Podcast Review
"Very Insightful!" Great insight and very helpful
HALFTIME SUCCESS: Our Referrals and Affiliates! (many have been our guests!)
Resources with tools and guidance for mid-career individuals, professionals & those at the halftime of life seeking growth and fulfillment.
*NOTE: The "soft launch" of Halftime Success is now live with most of our categories! If you click on the link, you will see the progress with wonderful resources to peruse! Courses, Consulting, Finances, Music, Software, Gifts, Travel, Health-Wellness and more!
Most podcast guests run a business and have a story to tell!
February 9, 2025
January 24, 2025
January 17, 2025
January 10, 2025
January 4, 2025
December 27, 2024
December 20, 2024
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Deborah Johnson
100's of articles...
Check out some of them below!

Discover Our Hosts
They met on a blind date, then married 4 1/2 months later. (They don't advise their kids to do this!) But they have survived many years of raising kids, balancing finances, reinvention and changing jobs and most recently, caring for aging parents.

International award-winning music artist, author and speaker. She loves to help others get unstuck with mindsets to reinvent their life and reach expansive goals. She can do all this while playing on a grand piano and singing!

Guest Co-Host 1x month!
Former professional baseball player (Cleveland Indians-Triple-A), sales expert and registered financial advisor, Greg provides great insight and fun as a "Type B" to Deborah's "Type A" personality! Bonus: Yes, they've been married over 40 years so there's a lot to share!

Recommended Books

Stop Circling
Steps to Escape Endless Roundabouts: Available Hardbound, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
Stop Circling is a powerful read that will help you gain a new perspective on the vicious cycles that hold us back. Deborah Johnson presents a clear and actionable framework that will help us identify and break out of the endless roundabouts in our lives. Ana Melikian, Ph.D., Host of The Mindset Zone Podcast, International Corporate Trainer & Coa

The Summit
Journey to Hero Mountain: Available Hardbound, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
To review a book like this one is a huge privilege BECAUSE it previews the multitude of readers who will be deeply challenged & inspired in their life journey to 'go big', to 'go beyond' to believe where others doubt and diminish their dreams. -Naomi Rhode, CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame, Past NSA National President, Past President International Federation of Professional Speakers.

Women at Halftime
Principles for Producing Your Successful Second Half: Available Hardbound, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
Deborah has provided women approaching their second season with a real life conversation and roadmap to move from stuck to success. An excellent read for all women.- Joyce Odidison, Founder, President Interpersonal Wellness Institute

Bad Code
Overcoming Bad Mental Code that Sabotages Your Life: Available Hardbound, Paperback, eBook
A good book for students, counselors, social workers, pastors and other people in the helping profession as they help people reframe or restructure the lenses they use to view and interpret life. -Jamie E. Mendoza, Psy.D.

Stuck is Not a Four Letter Word
Seven Steps to Getting Unstuck: Available Hardbound, Paperback, Kindle
A "must have" book to move forward with your career and life at any stage! Deborah has a fresh way of putting a new spin on important concepts for your life and career with good application steps. Helpful bedside table book to review sections as you need them. -Peggy Duguesnel Malbon, International Recording Artist

Music for Kids
When to Start Piano Lessons: Available Paperback, Kindle
Music Education is an important and worthwhile endeavor for any family, but most people don't know where or how to begin. I heartily endorse this book, which is the only one I've ever seen that succinctly and directly addresses many of the questions and concerns I frequently hear from parents who are interested in starting their children in their musical journey. -Laura Sullivan, Grammy Award® Winning Composer & Recording Artist